Course Welcome!

(DON'T FORGET to click play on the audio above)

Why are you homeschooling?

What is the purpose of your decision?

How is your family unique?

These are just a few questions you will begin thinking about in this audio course.

By the end of this class, I hope to have helped guided you in the right direction for planning your homeschool days.

Remember: don't let homeschooling be the boss of you. You are in charge! You can do this!

Grab your favorite beverage and enjoy the audio course!

👇🏽Enjoy my welcome letter to you, and download the workbook.


Lesson Summary

This audio course aims to help parents navigate the homeschooling journey by providing guidance on planning homeschool days and fostering confidence in decision-making. The course encourages taking charge of homeschooling without letting it dictate your life.

The course covers various aspects:

  • Identifying reasons for homeschooling and understanding the unique aspects of your family
  • Establishing core family values as a guide for fulfilling family goals
  • Finding ways to serve God individually and together
  • Discovering and utilizing gifts and talents within the family
  • Setting academic goals and creating a workable family schedule
  • Exploring teaching styles, learning styles, and their impacts on curriculum and activities

Additionally, the course offers practical tips for planning and maintaining a balanced approach to meet educational objectives without feeling overwhelmed. It also provides a prayer of blessing for mothers homeschooling their children, seeking support, wisdom, and guidance from a higher power.

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